Buds & Blooms: The Magic of Monarch Migration
Massabesic Center 26 Audubon Way, Auburn, NH, United StatesHow can one, with paper wings, withstand the challenges of a 3,000-mile journey? At this time of year, it’s not just the birds preparing to migrate south! The monarch butterflies here in NH are about to flutter their way down to the forests of northern Mexico. Let’s imagine we are monarch butterflies as we discover […]
Buds & Blooms: Autumn Awareness
McLane Center 84 Silk Farm Road, Concord, NH, United StatesIn this final installment of the Buds & Blooms Program, we switch to lecture format as we emphasize the various methods we can implement in our yards and gardens to […]
Resilient Raptors Webinar
Zoom Link , United StatesIntroducing the Bald Eagle In the first webinar of this year's Resilient Raptors Webinar Series, join NH Audubon raptor biologist, Chris Martin and education specialist, Willa Coroka as they provide a brief history of Bald Eagles in New Hampshire. Learn how the Bald Eagle came to be a species of concern when a formerly common […]
Resilient Raptors Webinar
Zoom Link , United StatesTraits, Trends, & Adaptations In order to excel in a world where food can be scarce, weather conditions challenging, and territory both highly coveted and fiercely defended, the Bald Eagle must possess several incredible physical adaptations. From feet with sandpaper-like surface area to eyes that can detect a potential meal from over 3 miles away, […]
Resilient Raptors Webinar
Zoom Link , United StatesNEW DATE! Courtship & Construction Bird nests are as unique to a species as their plumage, with nesting materials ranging from grasses and twigs to spit, mud, and even metal wire. Some species construct their nests together, while others spend significant energy independently creating a nest in an effort to attract a mate. Let’s explore […]
Resilient Raptors Webinar
Zoom Link , United StatesDevelopmental Stages As April’s lengthening days offer extended time to hunt and feed, the rapid development of eaglets becomes more easily observable. This webinar discusses the successional stages of development expected to occur in the 11-12 weeks between hatching and fledging and the demands placed on the parent eagles by their increasingly ravenous offspring. Hunting […]
Resilient Raptors Webinar
Zoom Link , United StatesContamination & Continued Diligence This final program dovetails back to our pilot webinar as we return to the topic of ecosystem contamination and how it persists today. While there are […]
Volunteer Work Day – Community Garden Installation Special Project Phase Two
Beech Street Elementary School 333 Beech Street, Manchester, NH, United StatesIn phase two of the educational Pollinator Pocket Garden at Beech Street Elementary, volunteers are needed to install plant materials ranging in size from small perennials to medium sized trees. Tasks include digging holes, mixing compost, planting potted specimens, backfilling, mulching the perimeter, and watering. Snacks and water will be provided! Please bring shovels and […]
Volunteer Work Day – Community Garden Installation Special Project Phase Two
Beech Street Elementary School 333 Beech Street, Manchester, NH, United StatesIn phase two of the educational Pollinator Pocket Garden at Beech Street Elementary, volunteers are needed to install plant materials ranging in size from small perennials to medium sized trees. Tasks include digging holes, mixing compost, planting potted specimens, backfilling, mulching the perimeter, and watering. Snacks and water will be provided! Please bring shovels and […]
Volunteer Work Day – Community Garden Installation Special Project Phase Two
Beech Street Elementary School 333 Beech Street, Manchester, NH, United StatesIn phase two of the educational Pollinator Pocket Garden at Beech Street Elementary, volunteers are needed to install plant materials ranging in size from small perennials to medium sized trees. Tasks include digging holes, mixing compost, planting potted specimens, backfilling, mulching the perimeter, and watering. Snacks and water will be provided! Please bring shovels and […]
The Urban Naturalist
Join New Hampshire Environmental Educators (NHEE) for "The Urban Naturalist" with Willa Coroka, NH Audubon's Project Implementation Specialist. We'll explore areas of downtown Manchester that support highly adapted wildlife and encourage new ways of thinking. Register on NHEE's website.
Manchester Pocket Pollinator Garden Launch Party
Manchester City Library 405 Pine St, Manchester, NH, United StatesJoin NH Audubon staff and UNH Extension Master Gardener volunteers for a tour of the new City Library Pocket Pollinator Garden with an accompanying panel discussion. Crafts and activities will […]