Zoe Dawson
North Country Winter Finch Trip
The Seacoast Chapter heads north again this year with leader Lori Charron to look for winter finches. Meet at the McDonald's in Gorham, 214 Main Street, at 8:00 am. Contact: Lori Charron. We will follow the birds north, ending at mid-afternoon. You can bring a lunch or there will be an opportunity to buy something […]
Intro to New Hampshire Butterflies
Join Mark Ellingwood, wildlife biologist and volunteer with the Harris Center for Conservation Education, for a training on New Hampshire’s butterflies. Participants will be introduced to the recently established New Hampshire Butterfly Network and basic information on butterfly biology and behavior. In addition, participants will receive practical advice on how to identify and photograph butterflies […]
Zoom Program: Radar Ornithology: Tracking Migration Under the Cover of Darkness
Earth's lower atmosphere is a critical ecological habitat. Trillions of organisms live, forage, and migrate through this medium, yet rarely is this space considered a primary habitat for ecological or conservation prioritization. For this reason, it is among the least studied habitats, though it serves as a global conduit for the transfer of biomass, weather, […]
Wildlife Photography and Stories Close to Home with Lakes Region Audubon Chapter
The Loon Center 183 Lees Mill Road, Moultonborough, NH, United StatesJoin Matt Cohen and the Lakes Region Audubon Chapter for a one-hour presentation where Matt will share his local wildlife photography and stories about encounters with wildlife in the region. Experience the wonder of nature through his lens and discover how his passion for photography fosters deeper connections with the world around us. Bio: Matt […]
Wetland Butterflies of New Hampshire
Did you know that many butterflies have host plant preferences that bring them to certain habitats for most of their life cycle? In this webinar, we will focus on those species that tend to occupy wetlands. Come learn about those scaled insects that frequent bogs, marshes, swamps, stream sides and other wetlands of New Hampshire. […]
Where the Beagle has Landed: American Tourists in Darwin’s Shadow
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesIn the summer of 2023, Kurk Dorsey and his family joined a tour of the Galapagos islands. In this illustrated lecture, we will see some of the highlights of that trip, learn some of the evolutionary history associated with the islands, and hear about how he lost a wedding ring and found a rare bird, […]
Butterflying New Hampshire’s Woodlands
Most people think of meadows and gardens when it comes to butterflies but there are some species that live and breed in our woods. Join Levi Burford, Errol Count Circle Coordinator, for this webinar that will introduce you to butterflies of New Hampshire's woodlands. Levi will also offer tips on a mindset when approaching the […]
Identifying New Hampshire’s Grassland Butterflies
Join us for an informative webinar designed to train volunteers in identifying field and grassland butterflies across New Hampshire. During this session, Amy Highstrom (Lake Sunapee Count Coordinator) and Vanessa Johnson (NH Audubon) will provide key tips and visual guides to help you recognize common butterfly species, understand their habitats, and contribute valuable data to […]
Become a Volunteer Guide: NH Butterfly Monitoring Network
The NH Butterfly Monitoring Network (NHBMN) is a collaborative effort, led by NH Fish & Game and UNH Extension, to engage volunteers in counting and identifying butterflies across New Hampshire. Data collected by volunteers can contribute to our understanding of long-term trends in butterfly populations and inform conservation actions for both common and declining species. […]
A Passion Project: Thirty-five Years of Migration Research at the Shoals Marine Lab
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesSince 1990, Sara Morris has been the lead bander at the Appledore Island Migration Station, which operates during both fall and spring migration. The station is focused on studying songbird migration and stopover ecology, the short breaks during migration when birds rest, refuel, and wait for favorable weather to continue migratory flights. The team that […]
Bob Hull Memorial Bluebird Walk
Help trip leader David Blezard clean out bluebird boxes, look for early migrants and lingering winter birds, and get yourself in the mood for spring. Each year, volunteers join together on a field trip to repair and maintain Bluebird boxes throughout Durham in honor of Bob Hull and his wife Sheila. Bob maintained, replaced, and […]
Dawn Bird Walk
Join our always-popular search for owls and sunrise birds. Meet at 4 am (!) at the Mill Road Plaza parking lot in Durham. Be prepared for a long, and possibly a bit wet, but leisurely walk through the woods. Wear appropriate footwear and bring insect repellent. Contact: Steve Mirick or 603-661-7703. The trip should end […]