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NH’s state-endangered Harriers have a tough year

Where are the Meadowlarks?

(photo and story by Pam Hunt) Like most grassland birds in the Northeast, Eastern Meadowlarks are in decline, and because of this were listed as Threatened in New Hampshire in

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Peregrine First Flights

Enjoy this quick video recap of the 2021 fledging of all 4 young Peregrines from the Brady Sullivan Tower in Manchester. The highlight video was compiled by David, a member

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Motus News

(by Carol Foss) Work continues with the Motus project, part of a global migration tracking system that NH Audubon and many partners are expanding in the Northeast. Here are a

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Hunting for Boghaunters

(by Pam Hunt) The Ringed Boghaunter is the only dragonfly on NH’s threatened and endangered species list. This insect has a restricted range in the Northeast: from western and southern Maine to eastern Connecticut, with historic records in NY and

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