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Our Peeps: Shelby Morelli

Our Peeps: Shelby Morelli

Have you met Our Peep, Shelby Morelli yet? Shelby is a New Englander who loves spending time outdoors with her family. She grew up in Maine where her love of nature began in her own backyard. Shelby studied at the University of New Hampshire where she earned a B.S. in Wildlife and Conservation Biology. New Hampshire quickly became her new home after accepting a position with NH Audubon in 2016 working with our summer camp program. Her position has developed since she started to include all varieties of education programs for school groups and adults, running our summer camp program, caring for our resident ambassador animals, and much more.

Speaking about her role as Education Coordinator, Shelby shares:

“Being able to make an impact on children’s lives and foster their imagination for the outdoors is something I strive to do while working at New Hampshire Audubon. Caring for our ambassador animals and giving them the best life in captivity at New Hampshire Audubon is so special.”

We are so lucky to have Shelby at the helm of our nature-based day camp programs at McLane Center, leading our Brockway Nature Outings for Preschoolers, and working with our educational raptors in all types of programming. She has delivered hundreds of effective programs to thousands of individuals. We hope you get to meet Shelby at an upcoming program soon!

Photo: Shelby with the resident Red-tailed Hawk at Earth Day in April (Dee Cleary).