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This is New Hampshire Audubon’s Rare Bird Alert for Monday, January 31, 2022

This is New Hampshire Audubon’s Rare Bird Alert for Monday, January 31, 2022

This is New Hampshire Audubon’s Rare Bird Alert for Monday, January 31st, 2022.

An immature GOLDEN EAGLE was photographed soaring over Great Bay from Adam’s Point in Durham on January 26th.

A ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK was seen at the Dillant-Hopkins Airport in Swanzey, 1 was seen at Adam’s Point in Durham, and 1 was seen near the intersection of Blood and Dow Roads in Hollis, all on January 25th.

A NORTHERN HARRIER was seen in Hollis on January 26, 2022, 1 was seen in Newington on the 26th, 1 was seen in Durham on the 27th, and 1 was seen in North Sutton on the 30th. (Northern Harrier photo by Jack Dorsey)

A NORTHERN HARRIER was seen in Hollis on January 26th, 1 was seen in Newington on the 26th, 1 was seen in Durham on the 27th, and 1 was seen in North Sutton on the 30th.

At least 2 SNOWY OWLS continue to be seen along the coast in Seabrook, Hampton, and Rye, and another SNOWY OWL continues to be seen atop Pizzeria Uno and L.L. Bean at the Fort Eddy Plaza in Concord.

2 SHORT-EARED OWLS continued to be seen at Dillant-Hopkins Airport in Swanzey during the past week, and were last reported on January 24th.

An EASTERN SCREECH-OWL was reported from Horseshoe Pond in Concord on January 29th.

Be sure to stay at a distance from any owls and do not disturb them – see the link below:


A GLAUCOUS GULL and an ICELAND GULL were seen along the Nashua River in downtown Nashua several times during the past week.

An ICELAND GULL was seen in Exeter, and 1 was seen in Milford, both on January 25th.

2 SNOW GEESE were seen at Chapman’s Landing and nearby fields, and at the Newfields Town Landing during the past week.

2 male BARROW’S GOLDENEYES were seen from Stark Landing on the Merrimack River in Manchester during the past week, and 1 female BARROW’S GOLDENEYE was seen in Rye Harbor on January 27th.

2 BARROW’S GOLDENEYES, a RED-THROATED LOON, and 3 LESSER SCAUP were seen on Great Bay from Adam’s Point in Durham during the past week.

A LESSER SCAUP and 2 BUFFLEHEADS were seen in Laconia during the past week.

A NORTHERN SHRIKE was seen again at Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge on January 25th.

6 RED CROSSBILLS were reported from Hollis on January 25th, 3 were reported from Cornish on the 30th, and 1 was reported from Hancock on the 26th.

12 WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS and a BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER were reported from the Starr King Trail in Jefferson on January 24th.

A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW was seen near 84 Clough Drive in Portsmouth during the past week, and 1 was seen on Noyes Street in Concord on January 29th.

2 “IPSWICH” SAVANNAH SPARROWS were seen at Hampton Beach State Park on January 26th.

2 LAPLAND LONGSPURS, 40 SNOW BUNTINGS, and 60 HORNED LARKS were seen at Pinnacle Lane in Walpole on January 28th. A LAPLAND LONGSPUR, 60 SNOW BUNTINGS, and 80 HORNED LARKS were seen at Hampton Beach State Park on the 27th. A LAPLAND LONGSPUR was seen along Airport Road in Swanzey on the 31st.

6 EVENING GROSBEAKS were seen in Berlin on January 28th.

A YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER continues to be seen in Mont Vernon, and a PINE WARBLER, first reported on January 15th, has been seen regularly on a birdfeeder at a private residence on Rocky Pond Road in Brookline.

A BALTIMORE ORIOLE was seen in Greenland on January 25th.

A BROWN THRASHER was seen again in Conway on January 30th, and 1 was seen in Keene on the 31st.

3 BLACK-BELLIED PLOVERS were seen again at Bicentennial Park in Hampton during the past week

There were several reports of AMERICAN KESTREL, MERLIN, and PEREGRINE FALCON during the past week.


Backyard Winter Bird Survey

The Annual Backyard Winter Bird Survey takes place the second weekend in February and is coordinated by NH Audubon. Participants report any bird species visiting their yard and/or feeders in New Hampshire. Click here to learn more about the Survey, how to participate, past results, and other information.



This message is also available by phone recording: call (603) 224-9909 and press 4 as directed or ask to be transferred. If you have seen any interesting birds recently, you can leave a message at the end of the recording or send your sightings to the RBA via email. Please put either “bird sighting” or “Rare Bird Alert” in the subject line and be sure to include your mailing address and phone number.

Thanks very much and good birding.

Subscribe to New Hampshire Bird Records – learn more about birds and birding in New Hampshire (read a free article in each issue). This quarterly publication is produced by NH Audubon thanks to the work of many volunteers.