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Caterpillar Lab Joins Pollinator Party!

Caterpillar Lab Joins Pollinator Party!

On Saturday, June 15, the McLane Center will host a Pollinator Party and Grand Opening event for the Pollinator Demonstration Garden from 10am-2pm. Besides lots of fun, games, pollinator how-to’s, and live music, now the Caterpillar Lab is coming with live caterpillars and cocoons to explore!
Tour our new garden, visit our informational stations, participate in family friendly activities, and enjoy a picnic! Pemi Native Plants will have native pollinator friendly plants for sale. We will also raffle off baskets with garden goods generously donated by our sponsors. Green Heron music will entertain and Roots Catering will be on site with food from 11am-1pm.

Monarch Butterfly – one of NH’s native pollinators. (Photo by Walter Keane)

Pollinators are a vital part of our world. It is estimated that one out of every three bites of food we eat exists because of pollinators. Unfortunately, pollinator numbers are declining but research shows that our backyards, and even container gardens, can and do make a difference for pollinator survival.
Spend the day with us, learn more about pollinators, and enjoy a picnic in the garden. Entry fees are $7 Members, $14 Member Families; $10 Nonmembers, $20 nonmember families.
Register online today!

  • Make flower crowns
  • Scavenger hunt
  • Learn how to build a bee hotel with Petals in the Pines
  • Make nature journals
  • Ask a Master Gardener booth
  • Ask a Biologist booth
  • Make a real leaf book with artist Adele Sanborn
  • Enter the raffle to win a butterly hotel, bluebird box, swallow house, pollinator books, bird feeders, totes made from recycled birdseed bags, and more!
  • Stonyfield will be there, as well as Roots catering with lunch options from 10am-1pm